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Thursday, October 4, 2012

Preschool Days

Last year, I had the amazing opportunity to team teach preschool at Smoky Row Children's Center. I worked 5 mornings a week. MWF I taught 3/4 year olds, and T/TH I taught young 3's. What a learning experience that was! I did not know anything about teaching children that young. I had not taken a single early childhood class yet at Columbus State. But with the help, guidance and support of some amazing co-workers, I grew and learned right along with the children!

Yesterday, I went back to visit my little preschool friends. The children from those two classes merged together to form an afternoon Pre-K class. So, I was a "mystery reader" and knocked on the door....and walked into a room of 20 four year olds with huge smiles on their faces sitting at group time!

My heart was pounding, I was so happy to be back in the Sunshine Room. I read this book called Duck Says Don't by Alison Ritchie and Hannah George. It was SUPER cute! The kids totally loved it, and were awesome listeners.

The best part about my visit was when each and every child came up individually and gave me a hug. My heart was soaring, I could feel the love in that room!

It just made me realize how important teachers are in the lives of young ones. Just because they are young doesn't mean they don't feel the way we feel - they feel anger, sadness, love, hope, encouragement just like adults! The way these children can lift up an adult is so amazing to me. I believe I learned more from them than they learned from me! I have no doubt in my mind that teaching is my calling. I want to spend my days in the classroom surrounded by children. It's the passion in my heart, and I feel that passion driving me everyday to finish my degree so I can begin my teaching career!

Just a little tidbit I wanted to share. Happy Thursday!

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