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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Reggio Emilia

I have heard about Reggio Emilia a little bit throughout the past couple of years but it wasn't until I taught at Smoky Row Children's Center that I became more interested in it. One of the full-day program classrooms incorporated many RE ideas into their room and I was so inspired by it.

Recently, in my Guidance and Curriculum class, we were shown a video about a preschool in Northern California called Roseville Community Preschool. This school is ran by a lady named Bev Bos. This isn't the exact video we watched in class, but it is close. It showcases the amazing job she has done at creating a very RE inspired learning environment for children. Please take a minute and watch, the background music is upbeat! I would love to visit this school one day. Maybe even send my children there...oh wait, I don't have children....and I live in Ohio...but a girl can dream! :)

For more information about Reggio Emilia, this website offers great FAQ's.
Reggio Alliance of North America

I also came across this blog....check it out if you have the time.
Beauty In The Eyes of a Child

Friday, September 21, 2012

Waiting For Superman

'Sundance 2010 winner - Showcasing the real stories of kids in public schools who struggle to earn their promised education. The film follows a handful of promising kids through a system that inhibits, rather than encourages, academic growth. Director Davis Guggenheim undertakes an exhaustive review of public education, surveying "drop-out factories" and "academic sinkholes," methodically dissecting the system and its seemingly intractable problems."

Directed by Davis Guggenheim ("An Inconvenient Truth")
Released on 2010

I highly recommend this film.
This documentary is available for instant play on Netflix, 
or you can watch it in segments on YouTube.
Also, please visit their website
for more information!

Take a stand. Take Action. Make a DIFFERENCE.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Blog Feedback

Please provide your feedback here. Thanks!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Powerpoint Presentation

My presentation highlights the reason why I want to teach Kindergarten. It gives some background information about my life and where I'm coming from, and gives a good idea of who I am as a person. I would want the parents to feel good after watching this to know their child was in good hands at school.  

I chose to use Powerpoint for my presentation because middle school was the last time I had made one. I knew I had come a long way since then, and was excited to see what I could do with Powerpoint. I gave Prezi a try, and started over multiple times but really did not like the program. All the movement made me feel like I had motion sickness, and I was not pleased with the limited choices on fonts and what I could do with what was available to me.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Heart Of A Teacher

I came across this website this morning as I was searching for a quote for the top of my blog. I enjoyed reading through these quotes and was pleasantly surprised when I also came across this video about the heart of a teacher. Beautiful music and touching words of kindness, it is in my opinion definitely worth the 3 minutes to sit and watch. Enjoy!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Three Great Teacher Blogs

Clutter Free Classroom
Clutter-Free Classroom
I absolutely love this teaching blog. It is packed full of amazing and creative ideas for the classroom, tons of free printables, and links to many more equally amazing blogs. It is obvious that this blog if well-known among teachers and a very valuable resource for teachers new and old.

The Teaching Palette

This blog is very streamlined, and also is specifically art education. Lots of great information and ideas on this site, as well as links to many other great art education blogs.

Mrs. Rojas Teaches - Create Teach Share

I really enjoy this teacher blog because this young teacher has had many different experiences with different schools and ages. She has great information to share in a well-set up format that is easy to navigate and explore.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Welcome To My Blog

Hello! My name is Ashley, and I am a 25 year old student at Columbus State Community College. I decided to come back to Columbus State this year to pursue an Associates Degree in Early Childhood Education. I currently have my Associates Degree in Arts, but after much thought, I realized that I couldn't ignore my calling to teach. I knew I wanted to teach from the time I was a small child. I had wonderful teachers every single year throughout Elementary School, and was especially inspired by my art teacher to be daring, creative, thoughtful and explore the world and truly appreciate the beauty it possesses. I was lucky enough to have wonderful school experiences throughout my childhood, and I would love to be able to help make that happen for many other children.

I considered Art Education for many years, and have not completely ruled out that career. However, I have decided that I would like to pursue my bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education, (hopefully!) find a job teaching kindergarten, and then, at a later point in time, go back to school for my Master's Degree in Art Education, and see where life takes me.

I would like to transfer to Miami University next fall, and after I graduate, I am open to moving anywhere in the US to teach....or possibly to another country. I am a free spirit and wherever the wind blows, I will go and make the best of it.

My interests include spending time with my boyfriend of (almost) four years. We love to go on adventures together, including ziplining, roadtrips, running in 5k's together (including really awesome runs like The Color Run and Mudathlon), spending time with family, going out to different restaurants around town, enjoying sporting events as well as playing sports, and spending time with our two parrots, Marley and Jay (pictured below). They are white-bellied Caiques, and have huge personalities! I also love listening to music, and watching movies. I love romantic comedies, and Robin Williams is my favorite actor, so any movie with him in it I am a fan of.
Jay (left, 1 year old) and Marley (4 years old) both love walnuts.
I also really love art. I enjoy photography, drawing, painting and design - whether it is on the computer or by hand. I live a very colorful life - color is very important to me. I love to be surrounded by beautiful patterns and designs, and enjoy picking out things that reflect my personality! I always carry a wide variety of colored pens and markers, because I always like to incorporate color whenever and wherever I can. 

I have three sisters and one brother. I love having a big family! One sister lives in Michigan, one lives in Cincinnati and my two other siblings live here in Columbus.