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Thursday, November 15, 2012

Week 11 Course Reflection

Coming into this course, I said my tech skill was about an 8. I had pretty decent skills when it came to working with a computer, but very little knowledge about the inner-workings of one. Personally, I don't particularly care to learn much about the inside of a computer. As long as it works, it's good for me. After spilling a glass of wine straight into my previous laptop and seeing it completely disassembled, I was amazed about how complex they really are and extremely thankful for those people who are extremely intelligent about computers that were able to fix mine! :) I felt it was pretty easy to adapt to this class and do the assignments. I enjoyed completing the assignments and learning more about some applications I didn't know about - mostly about Google. I didn't realize all that Google had to offer.

My favorite assignment was setting up my blog! I was really excited to personalize it and make it my own. I plan on continuing to use this blog throughout the rest of my college career and will one day set up a blog for when I become a teacher. I also really enjoyed creating my Powerpoint presentation - even though I am currently making a different one on Prezi - I just really like letting my personality flow through presentations like those.

I definitely think that I can and will use my technology skills in the classroom. Everything from computers to ipads to smartboards - any technological resource that will be available to me, I will use. Even though I have no experience with ipads or smartboards, I feel confident that I can learn how to use them quickly and efficiently in the classroom. I think I will most likely use the Google applications the most - it has everything! E-mail, blogger, cloud storage, presentations - it's a wonderful resource for teachers, and it's FREE! The world is literally at fingertips - imagine the idea of connecting to kindergarten classrooms around the country and even around the world. The possibilities are endless when it comes to the capacity that technology can bring to the classroom.

I would like to learn more about Smart Boards. They seem so interesting to me and from what little I know about them, they seem to be very effective in the classroom. Also, I know nothing about projectors - but I'm sure I will learn along the way. 

I would say that my technology skills have improved from being in this class. I have tried different applications that I have really enjoyed, and have gained more knowledge about how to embed codes into my blog, and make sure hyperlinks are linked up correctly. I learned more about Google and cloud storage. I didn't realize I had that available to me, and for someone that loses track of small objects, not having to worry about losing a flashdrive with important information on it is very helpful!

Even though I feel I know a lot about technology, I realize what I know is just the tip of the iceberg. Technology is advancing so quickly and sometimes it's hard to keep up with all the new fancy gadgets. I hope I always find motivation to keep learning about the growing world of technology, and don't ever get stuck in the "dark ages" because technology starts to get to be too difficult to learn about. It's all just a part of being a life-long learner.

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